Versi Indonesia
Ia pun merilis empat benda yang mengandung bakteri paling berbahaya. Benda-benda ini tentunya, Anda pegang dan gunakan setiap hari. Apa saja benda-benda tersebut?
1. Kran
Berada di peringkat pertama, dilansir dari, benda dengan bakteri paling berbahaya di kamar mandi adalah kran. Faktanya, kontak secara konstan dengan tangan ditambah dengan suhu yang lembab, bisa jadi merupakan tempat perkembangbiakan yang sempurna bagi bakteri super MRSA, yang menyebabkan infeksi kulit.
2. Handuk
Lingkungan yang lembab, bisa mempermudah pertumbuhan bakteri E.coli. Bakteri ini bisa menimbulkan nyeri perut dan muntah-muntah. Disarankan untuk tidak menyimpan handuk di kamar mandi, tapi di luar dan terkena sinar matahari.
3. Toilet
Meskipun jadi tempat membuang kotoran, toilet berada di peringkat ketiga. Namun, jangan biarkan toilet terbuka dan pastikan Anda menutupnya saat memencet tombol flush. Hal ini untuk menghindari penyebaran bakteri pada benda-benda di sekitarnya.
4. Sikat gigi
Profesor Gerba menyatakan bahwa tiap sikat gigi pasti mengandung bakteri, tetapi ini merupakan mikroorganisme pribadi yang tak membahayakan kesehatan Anda. Hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah memisahkan tempat penyimpanan sikat gigi dengan yang dimiliki orang lain dan ganti secara teratur.
Versi Inggris
Bacteria are scattered everywhere. Especially in humid areas, where the bacteria is very easy to grow, such as bathrooms. From this fact, Charles P. Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, United States, trying to figure out, objects in the dirtiest bathroom.
He also released four objects that contain the most harmful bacteria. These objects of course, you hold and use every day. What are these objects?
A. faucets
Is ranked first, was launched from, objects with the most dangerous bacteria in the bathroom are the faucet. In fact, in constant contact with the hands coupled with humid temperatures, could be the perfect breeding ground for superbugs MRSA, which causes skin infections.
2. towel
Humid environment, can facilitate the growth of E. coli. These bacteria can cause abdominal pain and vomiting. It is recommended not to store towels in the bathroom, but outside and exposed to sunlight.
3. toilet
Although a place of removing dirt, toilet is ranked third. However, do not let the toilet open and make sure you close it when the push button flush. This is to avoid the spread of bacteria to objects around it.
4. toothbrush
Professor Gerba stated that each brush must contain bacteria, but this is a private micro-organisms are not harmful to your health. The thing to consider is where to store your toothbrush separate from that of others and change it regularly.
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